Monday, April 19, 2010

Top Ten Foods People

Eat During Pregnancy

Pregnancy changes the chemistry of your body in strange and miraculous ways. Since you're eating for two now, you might get hit with some rather odd food cravings that seem to come out of the blue. Here are the top ten foods which most women claim will help to satisfy these cravings, all while offering significant nutritional value.

1) Ice Cream

Craving sweets in a big way is something that's commonly reported among pregnant women. The need for extra sugar and fatty foods as the baby develops is a perfectly natural reaction to the body flooding itself with hormones, but it's important not to go overboard with it.

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2) Pickles

Sour foods, including many raw vegetables and pickles, are a common addition to a pregnant woman's diet. It's not unusual for them to want to eat pickles in combination with other things that make for some very unique food combinations, such as cheesecake.

3) Anchovies

The oil in fish contains a lot of very healthy amino acids that are essential to the proper growth of the child, particularly in the early stages of pregnancy. Even women that can't stand anchovies normally might feel the need to try them out when they're carrying a baby.

4) Salt

Salt, within certain margins, is an essential part of just about anyone's diet. Still, a pregnant woman is going to have unique dietary needs, and cravings for salty snacks are nearly inevitable. Just be careful, as too much sodium can slowly start to raise your blood pressure over time.

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5) Heavily Spiced Foods

A lot of spices are high in calcium and other important minerals. Even smelling strongly spiced entrees from a distance can trigger the craving. Thai food may be a good way to satisfy it. Just be weary of side effects like heartburn!

6) Laundry Starch

This is an unusual one, and is something that most women tend to give up not long after they give birth to their babies. While it may sound strange, it's not unusual for women to sip a mix of laundry starch and water right out of the box. It's perfectly safe, although you can gain a lot of weight from it.

7) Red Meat

While it's not the best thing for your heart in the long run, a craving for red meat can indicate a lack of iron in your diet. During pregnancy, your body becomes pretty effective at telling you which nutritional supplement you're lacking. Don't ignore the signs.

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8) Cheese Spread

There's a definite connection between the heightened nutritional needs of a pregnant woman's body, and the cravings that they experience along the way. Many brands of cheese spread not only are dense in calories, but also contain a lot of important vitamins. This stuff goes well on sandwiches.

9) Pizza

Not just any pizza, but pizza with all sorts of weird fruits and vegetables on it. It's important to let the body have its way from time to time, but be mindful of the fact that overindulgence in high-calorie food can lead to a difficulty in getting back to your original weight after childbirth. However, if you are not yet pregnant and looking for tips on you need to be more careful about what you eat.

10) Pineapple

Most citrus fruits are good for you anytime, since they contain a lot of vitamin C. Pregnant women might be content to spoon these straight out of the can, juice and all. This is a craving that's on the healthier side, but be careful to take all things in moderation.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010


Only sign of pregnancy that is most common is the missed or delayed menstrual period. Otherwise, early pregnancy symptom varies with the different pregnant woman and also with the different pregnancies. Importance of the sign of pregnancy cannot be ignored because in the lack of the proper knowledge of the sign of pregnancy one can easily confuse with anything other than pregnancy. The degree of the variation in the sign of pregnancy is very high. In one case the sign of pregnancy may appear within one week of the conception while in other case it may take few weeks before the early pregnancy symptom starts appearing.

In some cases it is also possible that a particular sign of pregnancy may not appear in the pregnant woman at all. Implantation Bleeding One of the earliest sign of pregnancy is implantation bleeding. It can take place as early as within 6 to 12 days of the conception. The reason behind the implantation bleeding is implanting of the embryo on the uterine walls. The time of this kind of bleeding is almost same when you would have your menstrual period had you not missed it because of the pregnancy. As and when you observe the first sign of pregnancy you should take the help of weekly pregnancy calendar so that you get to know about the changes take place in the body of the fetus and mother from time to time.

Irritation In The Behavior Along With The Indigestion And Heartburn If a woman starts irritating easily then it can also be a sign of pregnancy. A pregnant woman has to face many types of sickness and tiredness because of the changes in the hormones. So, the other people living with the pregnant woman should understand it and must cooperate with the pregnant woman. In addition to irritation a pregnant woman may also experience the problem of indigestion and heartburn. Change Of Complexion And Loss Of Weight Breaking skin and change in the complexion is also a sign of pregnancy. This again is a result of the raging hormones in the body.

However, this problem does not last much and usually ends by the second trimester of the pregnancy period. In some cases the pregnant women pass white and thick cervical mucous that is more in the quantity than the normal. One surprising sign of pregnancy is the loss of weight. If it is the first trimester of the pregnancy period then it is not unlikely that you may shed a little bit of weight. However, this weight loss is understandable because of more healthy food intake due to loss of appetite along with no or less alcohol consumption
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